The Journey Toward and Through: Data Science


For me to be successful in my data science journey, I want to not only graduate enjoy my experience . Therefore there are character mindsets that I need to transform or I’ll miss the opportunity of other opportunities.

Journey toward

I love to learn. For those familiar with the Enneagram, I am a Five, the investigator. The Enneagram Institute states “Fives want to find out why things are the way they are. …They do not accept received opinions and doctrines, feeling a strong need to test the truth of most assumptions for themselves.”

When things intrigue me I want understand just a bit more. In the last few years, I’ve been intrigued by data and its ability to tell stories, explain patterns and even break down my own personal disillusions. I am always curious about people. What better way to integrate and explore my curiosities than pursue data science people’s while keep up with tech trends than pursue.

The Flatiron School’s Data Science (DS) Bootcamp was perfect for me. I liked the staff, curriculum and the flexibility of the schedule.

State of myUnion

I don’t know the exact timeframe, but a few years ago I read an article from Brene Brown, “Clean is Kind. Unclear is Unkind”. Basically, having the courage to embrace tough conversations, honesty and feedback in relationships in a clear manor is kind. Avoidance and convoluted communication is unkind. Over the last few years I adopted the slogan “To be clear is to be kind”. This was usually a pep talk right before a hard conversation or reminder after a missed opportunity.

About one week into my Phase 1 project I realize the slogan doesn’t only apply to the world of interpersonal communication. It has universal application, especially for my journey to learning DS.

I was pumped reading the phase 1 project’s business problem, “…You must then translate those[movie] findings into actionable insights that the head of Microsoft’s new movie studio can use to help decide what type of films to create”. One week into the project, I felt like I was still understanding the project and business problem. Second week into the project I am getting caught up in all the ways to manage and analyze the data. Needless to say my excitement wore done and exhaustion took the lead.

As I started to reflect I realized I wasn’t being kind to myself. The plan and approach for the project n the context of my other responsibilities in life was murky. I think subconsciously arrogance took over… “Ive done this school and life thing before, I can do it again.” That is a true statement but it isn’t complete. I can do this! Also, I need to be clear on my my goals, boundaries and time allocations with myself. If I don’t communicate and understand this within myself well, who will? If I am lacking this with myself, then it inevitably impacts other areas in my life. Which I am steadily seeing.

If you dive deeper into enneagram 5s you will see that not only do we like to learn but we are often data collectors. We can collect data to the point of not even taking action (outside of our minds). I’ve been struck by paralysis by analysis before and not until two weeks of looking at the same data on “movie genres”, I realized I’ve been bit again.

I learned I looked at the act of writing, coding, and data analysis as one big event. This perspective puts a lot of pressure on me to produce a “final” product quickly and perfectly, but i ultimately get stuck.

A quick google search of “Doesn’t have to be perfect + medium” will reveal many articles giving their take on this widespread issue. I am understanding I need to start and finish early and often. Approaching these areas with the goal of starting and finishing, but across many refined draft iterations. This gives me the opportunity to store many victories and experiences of “Done” in my head.

I have the freedom to create more clearly, and brainstorm with less pressure to have to the “right or perfect” product on the first try. My work will be good enough for every iteration!

Journey Through

Seeing faults and having a proposed solution is great. Now is the time for execution!

I am training my mind to believe that this change is possible, specifically for me. Carol Dwek’s book mindset states, ” A growth mindset is belief you can develop abilities. “. Romans 12:2 also sheds light on to the fact that our minds can change as well. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…”

This inspires me to pursue the words of a great astronaut, Buzz Lightyear of this generation, “To Infinity and Beyond!”

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